Monday, November 17, 2008


Following in my sister's footsteps, here are ten silly things that i happen to like. And don't be so quick to judge me please. Everyone has a hobby or object or SOMETHING in their life that brings them joy even though others might not see the reason for their joy and go on to criticize and then stereotype them because of that one little aspect of their personality. Judgment is stupid, everyone does it so what comes around goes around. It'll happen to you sometime and you just have to keep going because not everyone shares your exact thought and opinions. We're all made different, so therefore we all think differently.

And that concludes Julie's rambling.

On with My Ten Silly Things!
(in no particular order)!

1. Manga/Anime: I know it's silly that's why it's on the list :P, but there are actually some with good story lines and dialect, funny too, and the art is beautiful. At least in the ones that i prefer.

2.Mott's applesauce + Saltines = yummy: So good for some reason.



3. Avatar- The Last Airbender: This is a TV series on Nickelodeon. Yes it's for children and tweens and such but SERIOUSLY it is probably one of the best things i have watched in forever. It is Hilarious, it has a GREAT plot, GREAT characters, and even though it is immature and silly at some points it is a wonderful show that i LOVE. I own all three seasons. SO. GOOD.

4. Helium Balloons: more stupid then silly, but who doesn't like talking in that annoyingly funny voice?

5. Movie Trailers: I like to go on to yahoo and apple and just watch the new trailers, sometimes multiple times. It's a fun time waster.

My most recent favorite is the new Harry Potter movie trailer. It is going to be amazing.

6. Car Rides: that are semi long, maybe half an hour to a couple hours, with music playing and little to no talking on most occasions. I like daydreaming during the drive.

7. Dinnerware: I mainly collect mugs, cups, and bowls. I have a plate too i think. It's silly because i don't have room for any of it, almost none of it matches, but i keep buying things! I have quite a lot by now. I collect neat ones, mainly from anthropologie. I don't collect just anything, none of the "i went to Oklahoma and all i got was this stupid mug" kind of thing. But nice ones. Original ones. Artsy ones...yeah.(I want these.)

8.Painting my thumbnail: Just the thumb. its too much work to do all of them and they just end up all smudged anyways. And i can't find a picture of just a thumb with nail polish so just use your imagination.

9. Grapefruit Jellybeans: It's weird because I don't like grapefruit in any other form, just the jellybean.

10.People Watching: It's so interesting. But my favorite is when you watch people that you've known for a while, and suddenly you see them in a different way that gives you a new perspective of them. Sometimes my people watching turns into staring because I'm focusing really hard, so it seems creepy but I'm not a stalker i swear!

1 comment:

katie j said...

And these are 10 reasons why I love you! Grapefruit Jelly Belly's, huh? Tasty...